472 Handouts and Worksheets
- A
Practical Introduction to Matlab (Version 5) (html version) (by
Mark Gockenbach) or Postscript version
- For more introductory material and tutorials see the main course
- Introductory Matlab scripts
- Polynomial Interpolation
- 472_Euler_Taylor.mws
(Maple worksheet about Euler's method and Taylor seris methods)
- 472_ODESystems.mws
(Maple worksheet about systems of ODEs)
- Euler's method
- Trapezoidal Rule
- Convergence for non-Lipschitz functions
- Convergence for Adams-Bashforth method
- ABDemo.m Matlab
script for comparison of Euler's and AB2 method
- AB2.m
Matlab script for second-order Adams-Bashforth method
- Explicit vs. implicit multistep methods
- StiffDemo.m Matlab
script for comparison of AB2 and BDF2 methods
- AB2System.m
Matlab script for second-order Adams-Bashforth method for systems
- BDF2System.m
Matlab script for second-order BDF method for systems
- Stiff Equations
- StiffDemo2.m Matlab
script for demonstration of a stiff problem
- StiffDemo2.mws
Maple worksheet that computes exact solution for the stiff problem in
- VanderPolDemo.m
Matlab script for Van der Pol equations (another stiff problem)
- Matlab scripts for Newton's method for nonlinear systems
- Matlab scipts for Longjump example
- Longjump.m Matlab script that
acts as driver
- LongjumpEvent.m Matlab
function that provides event for stopping the ODE solver
- Jump.m Matlab script that defines
ODE system
- Maple worksheet for derivative estimation
- Matlab files for tridiagonal system solver
- tridiag.m
Matlab function for solution of tridiagonal linear system with simple
Gaussian elimination
- TridiagDemo.m
Matlab driver script for function tridiag.m
- Matlab files for spectral methods
Matlab function that solves 2-pt BVP with pseudospectral method (modified Dec.3)
- cheb.m Matlab function that
provides Chebyshev differentiation matrix
- PSBVPDemo.m
Matlab script that calls both bvpsolve.m (see Computer Assignment 4)
and PSBVP.m (modified Dec.3)
- PSDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates convergence of periodic spectral method
- BandLimitedDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates band-limited interpolation
- SpectralDiffDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates spectral differentiation with
differentiation matrices
- SpectralDiffFFTDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates spectral differentiation with FFT
- ChebyshevAccuracyDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates accuracy of spectral differentiation on
bounded intervals (non-periodic case)
- NonlinearPSBVPDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates use of differentiation matrices for nonlinear BVPs
- PSBVPNonHomoBCDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates use of differentiation matrices for linear BVPs with nonhomogeneous BCs
- PSBVPMixedBCDemo.m
Matlab script that illustrates use of differentiation matrices for linear BVPs with mixed BCs
- 472Notes.pdf Notes for Chapters 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (updated 12/03/05)
Last updated: December 4, 2005
Greg Fasshauer