Function Handles and Function Functions
The name of an anonymous function is known as a function handle.
We can define
sqr = @(x) x.^2
sqr = @(x)x.^2
Note that this function will operate elementwise on vectors or matrices. For example
ans = 25
ans = 1 4 9 16 25
Another example with a random matrix
A = floor(10*rand(2,2)) A_squared = sqr(A)
A = 8 1 1 5 A_squared = 64 1 1 25
MATLAB includes many so-called ''function functions''. These are functions that take function handles as input. Examples are
- quad (for numerical integration),
- certain calculus-related routines (such as fminbnd or fzero),
- and many commands for the solution of differential equations (such as ode45 or ode15s).
Of course, you can also write your own function functions.
We now give three examples.
Numerical Integration:
To integrate the function on the interval
we can pass the function handle sqr defined above to the MATLAB quad function
ans = 0.3333
To find the minimum of the function on the interval
we can define a new function handle and then pass it to fminbnd.
sqr2 = @(x) (x-2).^2-5 disp('The minimum occurs at') fminbnd(sqr2,-3,3) disp('and its value is') sqr2(ans)
sqr2 = @(x)(x-2).^2-5 The minimum occurs at ans = 2 and its value is ans = -5
Find zeros:
To find the zeros of the function on the interval
we can use the function handle just defined together with fzero.
ans = -0.2361
Here is a plot of this function
ezplot(sqr2,[-3,3]); grid on

or - using the standard plot command:
x = linspace(-3,3,100);
figure; plot(x,sqr2(x)); grid on